My beloved sambear was born on this day 37 years ago! I have to thank his biomom and his adoptive parents for bringing such an incredible person into the world.
The Geek Who Understands You
My beloved sambear was born on this day 37 years ago! I have to thank his biomom and his adoptive parents for bringing such an incredible person into the world.
I actually had a good night’s sleep! As a result, I was able to get up and make my own breakfast this morning—that doesn’t happen very often. Before 6 am, even! Unfortunately, my body has decided that it’s a good…
1) I have MY cell number back, after much back and forth with Metro PCS. Yay! If you left any text or voice mail messages in the last few weeks, though, they’re gone. Goddess knows I wouldn’t have listened to…
Yesterday, sambear and shadowkatt spent much time out in the world. When they returned, they presented me with my first cane. Technically, it isn’t a cane. It’s a “walking stick” or a “trekking pole” or something like that. It’s made…
sambear got a PC set up in the kitchen and it’s great! My only desire, really, was that it display the family calendar all the time. It seems that somebody is always asking me about plans, and I have to…
Thank you sambear. You are incredible. You have a gift for loving and nurturing that leaves me in awe. I am so very grateful to have you in my life, and in shadowkatt‘s life. You are a blessing. Daddy, I…
shadowkatt and sambear went tried to get to the Y again today, although both of them were dragging badly. Unfortunately, they ran out of time due to appointments that were scheduled too closely (my bad). Sam was so exhausted yesterday…
The Director of Financial Aid at SPSU called me personally, not because of anything related to her job. She heard something about a connection between fibromyalgia and celiac disease, and she wanted to let me know in case it might…
I just had a lovely date with my man for the first time in quite a while. First, we went to Home Depot to look at flooring. Okay, not everyone’s idea of a good time, but we had fun and…
I cannot describe the marvelous conversations I am privileged to have with shadowkatt. They might happen at any time of the day or night, in the car, over dinner, while watching TV, via LJ or IMs—you name it. Thinking back,…
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