A week into the Spring semester, I finally got my Winter semester grades: 99.7 in the career class, 97.6 in the project management class. I should still have a 4.0, then. I’ve got to get my and Katie’s FAFSAs done.…
The Geek Who Understands You
A week into the Spring semester, I finally got my Winter semester grades: 99.7 in the career class, 97.6 in the project management class. I should still have a 4.0, then. I’ve got to get my and Katie’s FAFSAs done.…
This was the Monday-est Monday I’ve had in a while. Generally, the only reason any one day of the week differs from another, for me, is in whether or not Sam is at home. Today was different because I had…
Katie is under the weather, and after I realized she’d been exposed to strep throat last week I took her to the doctor today. Seeing the doctor took far less time than finding a doctor to see. Her “primary care…
8 am and 11 am don’t sound alike. I wouldn’t write down an 11 am appointment as 8 am. Nope, I wouldn’t have. So, Mr. Pest Control man, don’t try to BS me and claim that I must have written…
The girl woke up with a migraine. She has oral surgery today, so she might as well get all the feeling like crap over with in one day, right? Okay—I’d rather she didn’t have more ickiness on top of what’s…
I’m trying to keep whining to a minimum. More med changes, doctors, MRIs, etc. etc. etc. When we got home last night, there was a scooter here! For me! Not forever, just for a week—but it’ll get me through Dragon…
Too tired to write, after a trip to south Georgia doing legal research (thank you again, curiousmay9! But I was trying to read a little, and saw this in selenite‘s journal.
Homeowners, this time. The Castle caught the edge of a lightning strike in a storm a few weeks back. We’ve been gradually discovering affected electronics since then, and finally realized that “Oh – this goes above the insurance deductible, doesn’t…
We did finally get the van insurance claim wrapped up. The insurance company didn’t actually have the beast towed away ’til this past Friday! It was sitting there, unlocked, with the keys in it (as they asked) for more than…
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