Dangit! LJ has been down all day. Now that I’m about to leave to take the girls to camp, it’s up. Of course. Not that I had anything earth-shattering to say. Most of what I’ve been mulling over in the…
The Geek Who Understands You
Dangit! LJ has been down all day. Now that I’m about to leave to take the girls to camp, it’s up. Of course. Not that I had anything earth-shattering to say. Most of what I’ve been mulling over in the…
We gamed last night. It was the first time in a while that my character was almost wholly useless, relegated to standing back, healing one person (cleric was busy), and singing to inspire greatness and courage in the other party…
Gaming, gaming, soon we will be gaming… except that people are supposed to be here at 8 pm and sambear hasn’t been able to leave work yet! Eeep! Here’s safe fast drive home thoughts for him… I picked up what…
Thanks for pointing me to the Hallmarks of Felinity, damiana_swan. I found the “That’s not a woman!” strips a hoot, too (my daughter is developing into one all too quickly for my taste). Current Mood: 😡aggravatedCurrent Music: Kitty collars jingling…
Okay, the camping shopping is DONE! Largely thanks to sambear, who met us out in the big wide world after work and made everything easier. By the time we’d gone to Sports Authority, Goody’s, Sam’s Club, and Walmart I was…
I need to find some sort of thing in which Katie can keep her Imitrex inhaler all the time while at camp. If she doesn’t use the inhaler in the first couple of minutes of a migraine attack, it doesn’t…
Why won’t the LaserJet print PDF files anymore? It did before. It just decided it can’t do them without an overflow error now. Weird.
I am unhappily realizing that I am going to have to go out with the girls to do most of the camp shopping. I don’t know how much writing Sam has gotten done, but I don’t think he’s anywhere near…
Is there a rule that the animals have to actually talk to me, instead of anybody else who is awake? I was already in bed. First Zoë (the dog) comes to whine at me. She only does that when she…
Maybe I should just stop reading, or listening to, the news. I heard about most of this stuff on NPR and saw the stories on CNN as well. Current Mood: 😡grumpyCurrent Music: “Leather Zippo Holster” by Spider Robinson
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