Current Mood: 😡bitchyCurrent Music: Thunderdrums
The Geek Who Understands You
Current Mood: 😡bitchyCurrent Music: Thunderdrums
So I gamed with a GM other than sambear. With his presence and consent, so it wasn’t infidelity 🙂 It was different. Not bad different, but different. There’s also the fact that I’ve never played a first-level D&D character before—we…
Current Mood: 😡grumpy
List three things about your partner that make you jealous (I’d say envious, not jealous—that’s a different thing for me.) 1. His ability to play. I wasn’t even good at it as a kid. I really wasn’t good at being…
Is this whining? I hope not. We have a lovely big pan of lasagna that just came out of the oven. It’s been smelling better and better for the last hour or so. And now, suddenly, my mouth has decided…
So the Personality ID test says I’m a Strategic Thinker. This is a surprise to me. I hate being in charge of anyone but myself. But I’d rather be in charge than leave leadership to an incompetent twit, so I…
Okay, I’m happy girl (a geek, but happy). My little sixth-level bard character killed an eighth-level fighter/rogue/assassin and two trolls in today’s game and did about half the damage that took out another troll. And until we got to the…
The Friday Five: 1. …sent a handwritten letter? I wrote notes for every day for Katie and G when they went to Girl Scout camp a few weeks ago. Does that count? 2. …baked something from scratch or made something…
Okay, now I have to wonder. What do you consider a secret? What do you share with whom? Do you consider anything said to you to be repeatable unless you’ve specifically been asked to keep it a secret? Is there…
The Girl Scout end-of-year dinner and awards ceremony was tonight. Current Mood: 🙁exhausted
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