They’re Off!

The girls have been installed in their respective camp units. Genevieve was a little clingy as I left, but Katie was pretty much finished with us as soon as she knew where her tent was. Of course, she’s been to both this particular camp before with her troop and to another for a week of camp last year, so it makes sense that she feels more excited than cautious.

Because the post office is so danged unreliable, the camp now suggests that parents leave mail with them to be delivered to the girls on specific days. sambear and I each wrote a note for each girl for each day. I used different stationery for each day (all of it older than the girls, so it’s good that I finally used it!), and just wrote brief notes. Sam did a tarot reading for each girl for each day and wrote about that. It’s a good thing I long ago accepted the fact that he will always be the cooler parent.

As I had anticipated, the camp personnel weren’t used to dealing with inhalers for anything but asthma. They have forms to be filled out to allow campers to keep asthma inhalers with them, but the forms are all about asthma. Period. Fine, I had anticipated the possibility that this would be the case. I had a letter in hand from the neurologist stressing that Katie must keep the inhaler with her or it does no good. So we spent 40 minutes meeting the camp MD (who doesn’t stay there all week), the camp nurse (who does), and the camp director, and going through the story with each and every one of them. She has an inhaler in her fanny pack to keep with her. She has two more inhalers in the little box from the pharmacy with the RX label on it, left with the camp nurse. (The inhalers are one-use things, so if she has to use one she’ll need to get another one.) Apparently, the MD had never once even heard of inhalable Imitrex and went on and on about how it’s usually given as a shot.

Geni wouldn’t respond to any of the direct questions or attempts at conversation from the counselor assigned to her tent, Red. I didn’t realize until I got home that she may not have understood Red, who has a British accent. I don’t know that Geni has ever been exposed to much of that before, but Rowan mentioned that he was having trouble with it, though he and Katie have watched and enjoyed Monty Python’s Holy Grail. Hopefully, Geni’s ears will adjust over the week!

Current Mood: 😴tired
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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