Over the last few years, I’ve taken to backing crowdfunding projects, especially those that are RPG1roleplaying game-related. I don’t recall how I came across the Deck of Many Insults by Loke Battle Mats on BackerKit, but I backed it. The product was shipped to me a couple of months ago, so that was timely.
The product does look good. The box is quite nice. The cards are printed on good card stock, and the printing is first-rate. That’s the good part.
Unfortunately, the insults are not first-rate. In fact, there were five, maybe six that I wouldn’t be ashamed to use in a game. The remaining cards are mostly cringeworthy. I’ve heard their texts before, or they’re variations on fairly well-known insults.
I had hoped for better quality from someone alluding to the Norse god of mischief in their company name. I suppose I should have known better based on their misspelling of that name. I can’t find any references to “Loke” as an alternative spelling for “Loki.” “Loke” means “a short narrow lane often coming to a dead end : a private road : blind alley, lane” according to Merriam-Webster. I suppose that meaning might be appropriate.