I nearly missed this story, but it is major news for those of us living with fibromyalgia:
FDA Recognizes Fibromyalgia as a ‘Serious Condition’ And Fast-Tracks New Drug Candidate
This form of chronic pain has become such a problem in the United States that the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) considers the disease to be a serious condition, which means it is a disease associated with morbidity that has a substantial impact on day-to-day functioning. After all, 70% of sufferers have difficulty with daily activities, 90% report poor sleep quality and 20% file disability claims.
As someone who has a lot of trouble with daily activities and sleep quality, and who was unable to work for a years-long period in the past, this is wonderful news. The prospect of a new medication to treat sleep quality is lovely, and the fact that it’s being fast-tracked is excellent.