I’m Allergic to Our Bedroom

More specifically (I hope), something in it. Not Sam, happily, but every time I go in there, I’m all stuffed up within a few minutes.

We keep that room closed and have a window a/c unit in there because the house a/c just doesn’t keep up so well.1We had to put a unit in Katie’s room, too—it really wasn’t factored into the tonnage on the a/c unit when someone finished a former garage, and it doesn’t have enough ducts. Now we need one for the guest room. I’m wondering if there’s something about the air not circulating to the rest of the house that’s causing dust to settle in there?

The cat is seldom allowed in the room at all, and we don’t have any other pets. There aren’t any plants in the room.

We haven’t been using the air cleaners, because I can only get their filters by mail-order and just didn’t get around to getting new ones. I guess I need to order them and see if that helps.


In nicer news, the girl and I went to the good library today. I had gone through my “to-read” shelf at GoodReads and requested a bunch of books. More of them than I expected came through all at one time, whereupon I learned that they allow a maximum of 75 books to be checked out at once. Whoops! I had to put two back.

I have plenty to read now, though!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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5 thoughts on “I’m Allergic to Our Bedroom

  1. I sorry your bedroom is giving you problems!

    I wonder if dust is building up because the room stays closed. Or if you’re reacting to mildew in or on the AC unit – sometimes they stay damp and grow nastiness.

    Wow I thought I had a lot of library books out 🙂

  2. From time to time I look here by and read the always interesting and well written contributions. Here I would like to leave gladly a greeting from Thuringia in Germany!

  3. Like Hope, I’m wondering if the window unit has a washable/replaceable filter that needs to be cleaned.

    The other possibility that springs to mind is that the humidity level might be different — I find sometimes that can make me abruptly stuff up, but it usually passes.

  4. I’ll ask Sam to look at the unit again. He said there wasn’t anything that needed to be cleaned, but you’re probably right. Mebbe I can find the manual online.

    Hi, Matti, and welcome! I looked at your blog, which seems nice, but I’m afraid I’m monolingual and can’t read it. 🙂

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