White Kitten + Mad Cake Decorator + Chicken =

Originally uploaded by Kimberly Jennery

Ditto showing off her new paint job!

This cuteness just strengthens my wish that we lived closer to Kimberly and her family. Click for more photos.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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6 thoughts on “White Kitten + Mad Cake Decorator + Chicken =

  1. Let’s see … ears straight up, back arched … that is not a happy kitten … and that LOOK!! That’s a cat that’s plotting REVENGE!

  2. If you go to Flickr, there are two other photos of her. She really doesn’t care. I think, in this one, she’s just saying, “Hey – more chicken here! Why did you stop?”

    She’s a crazy little kitty. One of her favorite pastimes is nursing on her own belly!

  3. Oh, believe me, this is NOT an unhappy kitten! This spoiled-rotten kitten is truly not bothered by her decorations. They’re quite faded, already. I’m sure she’s hoping for more chicken soon – heh heh heh 😉

  4. Which just goes to show that cats, in general, are crazy. Mind you, I like cats. But I like my roommate, too. Both are crazy 🙂

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