I’ve seen this all over the place, so I can’t really credit where I got it:
If there is someone on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.
There are many of you. Thank you 🙂
I have real things to write about in entries. Actual content, whoa! My brain isn’t cooperating (thank you, fibro fog), so they’ll have to wait. Everything is waiting. I can’t seem to stick with one task for any length of time, because I forget what I was doing.
And this entry has taken all day. Just this little thing.
Hey, is there some tool that will go back through your entries and generate tags automatically? ‘Cause I’m trying to remember to use them, but I’m definitely not going back through everything manually.
But there are a few notes that I remember.
For leduck and anyone else who finds the “Indigo Child” thing ridiculous:
Are you ready for the Indigo Revolution?
(Hint: If you have a badly behaved child, do not try to tell me it’s because he’s spiritually advanced.)
We watched the first two episodes of the new Dr. Who series (2005) tonight. I agree with sambear that something about Rose is definitely reminiscent of shes_precious. Something about her eyes, I think.
I picked up a copy of Figure Magazine a few weeks ago, and finally got around to looking at it this weekend—when I could get it away from Sam, anyway. He finds it to be distracting in the extreme, especially the lingerie feature. It is full of my yummy eye candy for those who like women with curves.
Anyway, I had to scan in this ad, waya, because I immediately thought of you when I saw that page. I can’t put my finger on it, and I have no idea who the model is, but she looks like you. Maybe it’s the fragility, the sense of openness, vulnerability? In any case, purty, just like you.
I’m going to try again to lay down and sleep. I’ve woken nearly insensible with pain every time I’ve let myself sleep since Monday night, so I’m not exactly looking forward to it, despite having my man waiting with cuddles.