I’ve been drawn into various blogs today, seeking distraction from physical pain. Bloggers are all the rage, but Live Journal users seem to be second-class citizens. How do you perceive the difference between blogs and LJs? Why do people who…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’ve been drawn into various blogs today, seeking distraction from physical pain. Bloggers are all the rage, but Live Journal users seem to be second-class citizens. How do you perceive the difference between blogs and LJs? Why do people who…
While I only know her online (so far!) wordweaverlynn is an amazing person. I hope your birthday is as marvelous as you are!
I’m not sure how, but I came across Putting Perfection on a Curve this afternoon. She’s participating in Blogathon 2005 and donating the proceeds to the National Fibromyalgia Research Association.
Homeowners, this time. The Castle caught the edge of a lightning strike in a storm a few weeks back. We’ve been gradually discovering affected electronics since then, and finally realized that “Oh – this goes above the insurance deductible, doesn’t…
Well, not mine. My life isn’t that exciting. Sir Robert Baden-Powell was a spy though. I didn’t know that ’til today! Yes, that’s the fellow who founded the Boy Scouts. I haven’t read the account. Yet. What caught my fancy…
We did finally get the van insurance claim wrapped up. The insurance company didn’t actually have the beast towed away ’til this past Friday! It was sitting there, unlocked, with the keys in it (as they asked) for more than…
Those of you who use CPAP machines—do you ever get to where it doesn’t feel strange? Can you talk, at least a few sentences, despite the thing? I think not being able to talk is getting to me the most.…
Katie is going to high school. She starts next week. The tuition is covered, for the first year, at least. It’s been a while since we did “back to school” shopping. It’s fun and tiring and EXPENSIVE! The only thing…
If you’re on my “friends” list, I read your posts. I don’t promise that I read every word of every one. In fact, I skip just about any post with a quiz in it, so if there was something incredibly…
Coloring pages of all kinds! To Anti-Sexuals, We’re ALL Gay Country Club Must Make Gays Even Offer
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