I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim…. –Frida Kahlo
The Geek Who Understands You
I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim…. –Frida Kahlo
The Worriers’ Guild –Philip F. Deaver From How Men Pray Today there is a meeting of the Worriers’ Guild, and I’ll be there. The problems of Earth are to be discussed at length end to end …
No, really—it’s healthier! Untidy beds may keep us healthy Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies. A Kingston University study discovered the…
If so, would you be willing to let me use it during the day? I’d be happy to work out payment, but if we could afford to stay at the hotel ourselves, we would be. I just know that I’m…
curiousmay9 has been seeing the same massage therapist for the past five years. Unfortunately, the therapist was dishonest in a separate business transaction with us, so she needs a new one. The old one was in Decatur. Someone either there…
ladytabitha, I hope you have a lovely day!
We must not be frightened nor cajoled into accepting evil as deliverance from evil. We must go on struggling to be human, though monsters of abstractions police and threaten us. –Robert Hayden, poet and educator (1913-1980)
…if she dashes to the door, frantic to get inside the house because she needs to use the litterbox. I suppose I could consider it progress since said cat (Sparks) is spending time outside because of ongoing problems with litterbox…
The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly. –Charles Reznikoff, poet (1894-1976)
I have struggled with depression throughout my adult life. Had anyone been paying attention, I would have been diagnosed with it as a child, after I was molested. But nobody was paying that much attention, so I didn’t get treatment…
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