Home Briefly

I’m home briefly between classes—not long enough to nap safely, but long enough to get a not-fast-food meal. That was nice.

I got a shadowkatt fix, and saw the lovely oil pastels piece she created. I miss my girl while I’m at school. She has a touch of the stomach bug that hit sambear over the weekend, so she’s missing dance for the third day in a row 🙁

The maids were here this morning, so I was hit by the smell of Pine-Sol when I came in. I have got to pick up some Method cleaners and get them to use those instead.

My 1 pm class ran ’til 2:30 rather than 2:15. Growl. Professor #2 was grumpy about people “packing up” before the class was dismissed. Look, woman—the class is from 1pm to 2:15pm. The fact that YOU were late doesn’t mean that we should all stay longer, okay?

This is the same professor who stressed how terrible it would be for us to be late to class. She locks the door, in fact.

It’s a social contract, woman. In fact, it’s a business contract. I pay to be in your presence for 75 minutes twice a week in order to learn about the subject matter. You are paid to show up for said 75 minutes twice a week and teach the agreed-upon subject matter. The agreed-upon time is 1 pm to 2:15 pm Monday and Wednesday. If I’m there, I expect you to be there, got it?

Current Music: The Reduced Shakespeare Company
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted needleworker.
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