I’m the only person awake in the house. curiousmay9 is napping on the couch with kitties snuggled around her. She’s exhausted after her MRI this morning.
sambear had yet another Dept. of Labor “orientation” and is napping in our bed. I joined him for a bit but was too restless to sleep. He started a new med today, and says he feels like he’s been hit by a truck 🙁
We watched Big Fish last night. I had absolutely no idea what it was about. I had some vague idea that the son in question would learn that his father was a con artist, so I wasn’t really interested. I didn’t know, then, that it was a Tim Burton film.
It was weird and marvelous. I detested the “southern” accents (the movie is set in Alabama), but it was otherwise quite lovely.
Back to homework!