Friday Evening

And I’m without my sambear. POUT!

He’s still at work. I’ve gotten VERY spoiled because this is maybe the second or third time that’s happened with his current job. When he was at VNHS, it was a constant thing. I didn’t like it, but I was used to it.

I have the house wholly to myself. That’s unusual! shadowkatt is off for a Girl Scout camping trip. curiousmay9 isn’t home yet. Even the cats are being fairly quiet.

That reminds me. Earlier today, I heard something fall. I called to ask shadowkatt if she was okay, and Shelley responded. In fact, she gave me an earful regarding the fact that she is NOT all right and that things will not ever be “right” again as long as she must deal with those three furry beings out there.

I’m so glad that we’re getting unpacked. I want to wave a magic wand and have the unpacking, repairs, and addition to the house all done. No wand at hand, unfortunately. But we are making progress. I walked into the kitchen this morning to see COUNTERS! Actual counter space, all clear and available thanks to sambear‘s efforts.

I think we’ve found and unpacked all of our kitchen boxes. curiousmay9 hasn’t even started to pack her kitchen stuff, though!

I need to do academic stuff all weekend. I just cannot think in a mess—and a half-unpacked home is a mess, no matter how you look at it.

But we do have a working LAN. We have a working washer and dryer, phone, dishwasher, and a disposal that works most of the time (it seems a bit tetchy). curiousmay9 got some sort of tool that she intends to use in an attempt to clear the sluggish drain in our shower, too.

Justification for cell phones #472: You never know when you might need to call your housemates to find out where the popcorn is.

Hey—the fancy new microwave doesn’t have a popcorn button. Is that even legal?

This hasn’t been an incredibly good day. I haven’t gotten anything done, but I’m exhausted. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I didn’t actually take my meds when sambear woke me up to do so. When I did truly wake up, I HURT! I didn’t want to move, but my bladder made sure that I did, in fact, leave the bed. I will take my meds in the future when I’m awakened to do so, even when I don’t want to bother.

Current Mood: 🙁drained
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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