And I’m without my sambear. POUT! He’s still at work. I’ve gotten VERY spoiled because this is maybe the second or third time that’s happened with his current job. When he was at VNHS, it was a constant thing. I…
The Geek Who Understands You
And I’m without my sambear. POUT! He’s still at work. I’ve gotten VERY spoiled because this is maybe the second or third time that’s happened with his current job. When he was at VNHS, it was a constant thing. I…
Getting a driver’s license has been a major rite of passage for American teens for decades. It’s a move towards increased independence and responsibility. Being able to drive means it’s far easier to get to a job, go out with…
I’m including the full article, as it won’t be available online long and they want registration before you can read it. Teacher resigns after girl tossed out window Associated Press Published on: 04/23/04 A teacher at a Newton County school…
The woman who took this picture AND her husband have been fired because of the photograph. I’m not putting this particular photo behind a cut. Yep, that’s a very dangerous photograph, isn’t it? It is if you’re trying to keep…
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