Migraine Hangover

The girl is still sleeping off the post-migraine hangover. I’ve spoken with her neurologist and allergist’s nurses, and am waiting to hear what the actual doctors have to say.

I have to put in a plug for Dr. James Barfield. He’s a pediatric neurologist. His practice is in Buford, but he is more than worth the drive if you’re in the state. I’m quite serious—he and his office staff are highly competent AND the nicest medical professionals I have ever encountered. He went into the field because he had migraines himself as a child, and wanted others to get better treatment than he did. The number is 770-503-9700.

I can’t help but wish that he did take some adult patients, because wordcandlemage has horrific migraines and I’d like to see him get care as good as Katie has.

Otherwise, I’m still studying. I haven’t heard back from the professor regarding something in the assignments that isn’t quite clear.

Just got another call from the allergist’s office. She’s prescribing an EpiPen for Katie to carry and said she should keep Benadryl with her. Katie is NOT going to like giving up her tiny stylish purse, but this stuff isn’t going to fit in there at all.

The delightful janni has a gift for you—a Real Writer Certificate.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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