Saturday Sleepies

sambear and curiousmay9 are out looking at houses with king_james. I didn’t go, because I’m in too much pain today and would probably have ended up just sitting in the car anyway. I’m curious as to what they saw, though.

sambear also picked shadowkatt up from the Girl Scout lock-in early this morning, letting me sleep in—he’s so sweet! She babbled a bit about all the things they’d done, then passed out. He had a fun time getting her in the house to fall into her bed, but he did it.

Her friend C called to invite her to go ice skating at 3, and that was enough of a motivator to get her out of bed again. I’m glad because sleeping all day would have seriously messed up her schedule. C and her stepfather are coming over to pick her up, which is even better (and a necessity, since the car is with Sam).

I tried doing 15 minutes of cleaning interspersed with 15 minutes of something restful like reading, but that didn’t last long. I started dropping things, and after I fell once I figured the house will have to stay unkempt.

I’ve read over the material for Katie’s lessons, and have done most of the reading I can do for my assignments. We’re still working out the schedule for getting everything done each day. I also want to kit up two projects, one a small portable one and one to send off to starrchilde.

I’m falling asleep at the keyboard, so I think I’m going back to bed.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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