What would I like to change in this next year of my life?
The Geek Who Understands You
What would I like to change in this next year of my life?
wordcandlemage mentioned this week that he does his yearly review/resolutions on his birthday for his personal new year instead of at Samhain or the calendar New Year. I’d been feeling very introspective/retrospective already, and I’ve decided to swipe the idea…
So if you’ve just found me, and have flattered me by adding me as an LJ friend, would you please comment and let me know how you found me and who you are? That way I’ll know you’re here because…
Somebody who is clueful about the whole S2/LJ styles thing—how the heck do I get those arrows back that go to the previous and next entry in my journal? PLEASE?
There are people whom one loves immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world with one is quite enough. –Nancy Spain [M]aybe the most any of us can expect of ourselves isn’t perfection but progress. –Michelle…
The science section of yesterday’s Times addressed some of the “big questions” still facing science: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2003/11/10/science/text/index.html dwivian is here game geeking with sambear. I tried to get up several hours before my meds released me from slumber, so I have…
I should be in bed, but I just needed to celebrate this: I just finished the entry of all the receipts. You wouldn’t believe how many little slips of paper you can fit in one office trash can. Looking at…
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