
We went to Ryan’s for dinner last night—Katie’s choice since we’re in birthday mode. The most appetizing thing I saw there was the baby spinach, so that’s what I ate for the most part. Okay, yes, I had yeast rolls too. Those things are EVIL! There’s got to be some sort of terribly addictive substance in their recipe.

The waitress tripped at one point and splashed some soda on C and the table. From her reaction, you’d think we were standing around about to beat her! Poor thing—I guess she’s dealt with customers like that. It was no big deal and easily cleaned with a few napkins.

We finally got the new housekey (from several months ago) copied, so I can take mine back from Katie. We went to Target to try to get my watch battery replaced, but they won’t touch a watch they didn’t sell. I guess I need to go to an actual jewelry store.

The girls caught a movie while Sam and I went for coffee. There were three cops and roadblocks around the local Starbucks. We asked what was happening, and they said, “It’s Friday night.” Apparently, there’s been a real problem with loitering and cruising, so they’re the solution.

There were no comfy seats inside the cafe, so we headed to Borders to hang out while we waited to pick up the girls. I was so exhausted that I was falling asleep, so Sam brought me home and tucked me into bed, then went back out for the girls.

We had a bit of bad news/good news this morning. We’ll have C for a while longer, but it’s because of a death in her stepfather’s family.

Sam is hanging up the mirrors we got a while back—yay! I’m going to go get some stuff into the car for a trip to Goodwill, after which I want to vacuum and wash the car and take care of some other chores.

Do any of you local folks attend the UU congregation in Marietta?

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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