Allergy Tests for the Girl

To the universe, because you have to ask, clearly, for what you need/want.
I need a good laptop computer, please. I am specifically asking that one come into my life soon. Thank you.

Interesting bits from a WebMD newsletter:

Fibromyalgia Comes in 3 Shapes and Sizes
Mood problems have traditionally been thought to be among the most common fibromyalgia symptoms. But now researchers are saying that psychological disturbances are actually found in only a small number of patients.

New Clues to Resistant Depression
People with treatment-resistant depression have abnormal reactions to mood-inducing cues, brain scans show.

Creativity, Psychosis Share Source
People who can’t ignore irrelevant information might be suffering from mental illness. Or they might highly creative.

shadowkatt had her first round of allergy testing this morning—FINALLY! She has lived on increasingly ineffective antihistamines for years now, and prior pediatricians didn’t want to refer her to an allergist. Happily, she hasn’t shown any signs of asthma that plagued her father’s childhood or that I developed as an adult.

She’s had one “asthma attack” but she was in a closed room at a friend’s house at the time, with several scented candles and different sorts of incense burning. That family doesn’t maintain the same standards of cleanliness that we do and has ferrets, birds, cats, and dogs in the house. I figure that could have put ANYONE into an asthma attack!

She’s very allergic to dust, and somewhat allergic to cat dander. No surprises there—her father was allergic to both, and so am I. I need to see about getting her new allergen-barrier mattress and pillow covers. I’m glad we won’t have carpet in the new place, but that’s still over 6 months away so for now I figure steam-cleaning the carpets more frequently is the best we can do. She has far fewer stuffed animals in her room now, which is good as they are major dust-catchers. We need to go back to HEPA air cleaners in the house, especially in her bedroom.

She goes back for a more intensive round of tests on 10/21.

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Peter Gabriel & Afro Celt Sound System “When You’re Falling”
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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