Pretty Things

Why does that woman insist on calling my home if she’s going to hang up when I attempt to give her information? Yes, I know that she’ll see this. Oh well—if she cannot be civil, information about her children must not be important to her.

Sam and the kids are off to copperscale‘s house for a D&D game. They have much more room than we do these days, and teens/pre-teens take up a lot of space. It’s much more than a physical issue. So the apartment is nice and quiet—even the cat is dozing.

I think all the pieces of furniture in the living areas are pretty much where they’re going to stay. I am going to move the CD rack the next time I get up, but that’s it. We have an actual dining area now! So it’s finally time to get things hung up on the walls.

I was looking forward to hanging my Rubenesque Ruby poster in the entryway, which is where Sam wanted it. Unfortunately, my beloved came home with two 24 x 36 poster frames for some reason. One will be perfect for hanging his print of The Accolade, but the Ruby poster is 20 x 30. I don’t want to just stick it there without a mat. No, it won’t look okay with white around it, it’ll look like a poster in the wrong sized frame.

So I started looking around for frames, and somehow I ended up at looking at prints instead. You know, there are some prints I’ve wanted for years that I just haven’t bought, and I do believe it’s about time to get them. They don’t happen to be at that site, but I want them:

  • Impudence and No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service by Carl Lundgren
  • Susan Seddon Boulet’s version of Bast. Unfortunately, I can’t find a print of that anywhere. I have an old calendar of her Goddesses that has it, and I may have to settle for cutting it out and framing it, but I’d really like a much larger version.
  • I’ve had two of Lucy Synk’s prints for many years. After I got them, she put out a third in the same series. I foolishly delayed ordering it, and now her website has gone 404. No no no! I must have it!
  • I want a print of Doug Beekman’s cover art for Such a Pretty Face. I don’t know that such a print exists, but I want it anyway.
  • I did run across a print I recognized today, Gargoyles by Michael Parkes. I didn’t know the name of the artist before, but some former friends had a print of that piece in their living room. It is very striking. I like it, but I’d prefer to avoid the association with them that I know I’d have every time I looked at it if I had it in my home. Deva, Dawn and Desert Lotus, however, wouldn’t make me think of them at all. I’m somewhat surprised at how very drawn I am to Desert Lotus, but I think it’s my favorite of the three.

    I’m trying to remember the name of a painting that Sam absolutely loved. We saw a print of it years ago when we were just killing time before an appointment, I think. It wasn’t a good time for shopping, but I know he did love it. There were roundy nude nymphs surrounding a male figure. The scene was something from a Greek or Roman myth, but I’m going completely blank on what it was now, so I can’t find it. When I asked him what he wants hanging in our bedroom, he said “naked roundy women” and that print came to mind. Now I’m wondering about how he’d like Renoir’s Seated Bather and After the Bath.

    Of course, if I ever get all that needlework that I’ve got stuck in drawers framed, the walls will be much fuller. But framing that stuff is VERY expensive if done right‐and I didn’t spend as many hours as I did on each of those pieces to ruin them with substandard framing. I get most of the enjoyment out of making them, anyway. The only needlework pieces I’ve ever had framed are those that I’ve given away as gifts.

    Oh my—Roberta Gellis has a new Magdalene la Bâtarde book out, Bone of Contention. I’ll have to see if the library has it. (Yes, really, there was a connection—she’s a whoremistress whose house is listed on the London tax rolls as a house of fine needleworkers.)

    Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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