Tarot Reading about School

I don’t know how to do tarot readings, but I tried a free online reading at tarot.com. I honestly don’t know what to make of it—I just don’t think in these kinds of symbols.

Your Question: Should I return to school?

Main (positional) Meaning:
The celebration of shared endeavors may sweeten a desired relationship.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Nine of Cups is in this position, your future relationship with the one you desire may have arrived at some kind of successful resolution. It could be some shared adventure, but could also be the result of navigating an emotional challenge. Whatever the arena, together you have accomplished what neither of you would have done alone. You have made it to the promised land, where there is rest, nourishment, and serenity.

At the heart of the joy in this card is the unity that comes from the realization of shared dreams. Positive, abundant, and optimistic feelings are amplified when they are mutually held. Few human experiences are more pleasurable than cementing your relationship in the knowledge that you are truly there for each other. This card calls for a celebration, a toast, and acknowledgment for the great team you can be together.

Main (positional) Meaning:
You are standing at a crossroads with one who is a potential partner.

The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.

The Lovers symbolize attraction and choices. Perhaps you are torn within yourself. One side is instinctive, emotional, intuitive, sensual, and magical. The other is lucid, highly principled, rational, and attuned to social and cultural elements. We have an aboriginal wild child and a cultured, mature adult self.

You have some trust in each of them, but you may not believe they can merge in a forthcoming relationship with your next partner. Whenever the Lovers card appears, you must either integrate two entities or let go of one of them. You would do well to consider how the consequences of these choices will impact what you want out of a future relationship.

Main (positional) Meaning:
When you willingly step forward to be a leader in a potential relationship situation, you win recognition and gratitude.

The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Seven of Swords in this position suggests that you volunteer to fill an emerging void in leadership. You may be the person who can serve as an inspiring figurehead and rallying point for existing unfocused mental and emotional energy. It may possible that there is a sleeping hero inside you who is being summoned forth by the needs of a potential relationship.

If this is the case, don’t resist this admirable role. Accept the invitation. It’s not often that you get a ready-made opportunity to express the lost art of gallantry towards the one you would like to get involved with. It’s to everyone’s benefit that you think of yourself as a person who is able and willing to make a positive difference. Your possible partner may likely be amazed and appreciative, as well as gain new respect for your leadership and organizational talents.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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