
Hmph. One of our PCs—the one Sam has been using for writing, and the one with the fastest processor and most RAM—has decided that sometimes she doesn’t have a NIC. It’s integrated into the motherboard, and sometimes she sees it,…

Snicker :-)

Please excuse me while I’m just a little bit petty. Some of you know that an idiot has been stalking our family since 1996, mostly harassing us online now that he cannot find us offline. Yes, really that long. Yes,…


I want a better Gnutella client. I’m using BearShare at the moment, but it crashes frequently. My wish list is can specify the port it uses more stable saves download list between sessions boolean logic for searches—or at least SOME…

The Process

I’m working on the first draft of my version of our “rules of engagement” for interacting with other SOs. sambear is going to create his own version. Then we’ll work on bringing them into one cohesive document on which we’re…


Rowan is actually singing. Out loud. I’m trying to be sure he doesn’t realize that there’s someone else in the room. He seldom sings because he’s really shy about his voice for some reason. I’m just tickled that he feels…


Grrr. A short time ago I started getting lots of spam from,,, and I’d never heard of any of those places before, and suddenly I was getting several pieces of spam daily from each of…

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