So this is the first part of what’s become my sorta-weekly update. I went to meet a new team leader for the same company I worked for last fall. I thought they’d outsourced everything to India by now. One of…
The Geek Who Understands You
So this is the first part of what’s become my sorta-weekly update. I went to meet a new team leader for the same company I worked for last fall. I thought they’d outsourced everything to India by now. One of…
I finally got all the damned Social Security disability paperwork done. All 19 freakin’ hand-written pages of them. Ow. Of course, now they’ll send me another big mess of them. I also gave them a copy of the resume nobody…
GAH! Does anybody have any idea how I’d go about getting medical records from a hospital that closed in 1996? Surely their records had to go SOMEWHERE! I’ve talked to the state regulatory people, and they say most hospitals don’t…
I just finished skimming the 500+ friends’ page entries I’d missed in the last few days. Damn! I should have been finishing the enormous packet of forms I received in the mail yesterday. They were from the state Department of…
I got a great big envelope full of papers from the Social Security Administration today. I hate dealing with this stuff, and in the past I’ve shuffled it off ’til later (which never comes). I hate the “D” word so…
I’ve been wondering about something for a while. I figure it’s likely to sound fairly conceited, but there ya go. Measures of disability, like strength, flexibility, or endurance loss—even the IQ or memory tests given to depressed people sometimes to…
I’ve just begun the process of withdrawing from my courses and requesting that I be given an “incomplete” grade for each of them so that what I have done this semester won’t be wasted. My three professors are meeting briefly…
I just got an email addressed to “Dear Variable Name.” It was from a business I’ve dealt with, not spam. Just an “oops.” It just hit me funny. I think anything would hit me funny right now. I’ve been trying…
I hate daylight savings time. It’s a silly fiction. Okay, all human timekeeping systems are a fiction, but dammit, why can’t we just stay consistent with them instead of monkeying with them twice a year? I want a subscription to…
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