Skribit is a Go!

If you’ve visited here once or twice, you might have noticed that little thingie over there in the left-hand bar that asks, “What should I write about?” There’s a link to Skribit, where you can leave suggestions about the types…


I’ve discovered that my blog posts stopped cross-posting over to my LiveJournal account at some point in September. Many of my more vocal friends actually read my posts over there, so anything I’ve said since then might as well have…

Dollhouse Fans? TV stuff

Do any of you record Dollhouse? We don’t do cable, so Katie and I have been watching it streaming on Hulu. This coming Friday’s episode isn’t going to be streamed, though, and we don’t want to miss it. Any chance…


On with the quotations obsession project. I swear, it’ll be useful for something other than keeping me busy. Someday! Does anybody know PHP/MySQL well enough to help me do that? Anyway, one reason that I keep going is little successes…

Who is/was Vascavus?

I’m still playing with my quotations database. I have a perfectly lovely item that I’d like to include, but I can’t find any information at all about the author, “Vascavus.” I’ve Googled and searched otherwise. The only place I find…

Nerd Joy!

We’ve been scanner-deprived for many months now, because the multifunction printer gave up the ghost. We acquired an older model HP scanner via Freecycle a while back, but it wouldn’t work. The moving bit inside had been locked down for…

New Addiction

Whoops! What have I done to myself? I was frustrated that there were a fair number of books on my “shelves” at Good Reads that had no associated cover image. I collected all but, I think, two of the cover…

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