Gravatars and Plugins and WordPress, Oh My!

Since WordPress 2.5 has Gravatar support, I’m attempting to add Gravatars to my blog template. Unfortunately, I just keep getting errors, or the default “no Gravatars” image (even for comment authors who I know have Gravatars, like me). I’m certain that the author of this template isn’t going to update it to include support, because her website and business are up for sale. She hasn’t ever responded to questions in the past, either, so I figure it’s silly to look for help there.

I tried on another template, with the same errors. I really don’t want to switch themes again, because I couldn’t even start to remember everything I’ve customized in this one, and I’d rather not do it all over again. I’m annoyed, though. If anyone can help me, I’d appreciate it!

Update: Squee! They’re working now! The clue I needed was in a post at Weblog Tools Collection. Now I can try updating the other blogs!

Otherwise, Now Reading is working now, thanks to help from the author. I’m thrilled, as it’s one of my favorite plug-ins. When I get ReaderWare set up for us again, I’ll try to figure out a way to export data from it to NR.

Cystats is not working, though. I didn’t even realize that it was broken at first, because the error only shows up for users who aren’t logged in. Oddly enough, it works on some blogs that are running 2.5, but not this one. The author of that plug-in hasn’t responded to my questions, though. It might be due to a language barrier, as his blog is written in German. Now it’s working again, as randomly as it quit working. Why? Who knows? If you see an error on the site at any time, please comment and let me know!

I just realized that Livejournal Crosspost also died in the upgrade. Fortunately, there’s a fix described in the issues board at the development site that should make it work again.

Now I get to go back and see how many posts didn’t go to LJ and try to fix that little omission.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4302

8 thoughts on “Gravatars and Plugins and WordPress, Oh My!

  1. When I originally looked at this post, I wasn’t logged in, and there was this error message where the usual comment box was:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function gravatar() in /homepages/20/d162322745/htdocs/technomom/wp-content/themes/experimental-silver-10/comments.php on line 75

    Now I’m logged in, and no error messages.

    I’m glad the blog’s behaving again 🙂

  2. SQUEE! I got a cascade of Hope comments!

    That was probably while I was working on the implementation. The post date and time are from when I started writing the post. I stayed up WAY too late futzing with it.

    Now I just need to get you to go set up a Gravatar 🙂

  3. Pingback: My single favorite new feature in WordPress 2.5 [Techno File] | Words & Tricks
  4. I was looking for my own gravatar and looking to find some useful information. Thanks to your blog, I found the answer here.

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