SBQ: Essential Needlework Gear

Yay! Another Stitching Bloggers’ Question:

What items do you consider essential to your needlework that you keep
in your stitching bag

The pattern, fabric, and ring of floss cards for my current project, the scroll bars or Q-Snaps or hoop or whatever I’m using (I seldom stitch in hand), and a long silver chain on which I wear my scissors and needle case. If I’m working with metallics, I also keep—whoops, what’s the name of it? That tiny blue cube of stuff that makes metallics so much more manageable? I’m not using metallics at the moment, so there’s none in my bag, but I guess I should go look up the name of it.

I did keep a seam ripper in the bag, but I don’t have a safe case for my current ripper, so I’m afraid to do that.

Lately, I also keep a small magnifier/light that hangs around my neck in the bag. It doesn’t work so well, though, so I should probably just take it out.

I really need to replace my bag. It’s falling apart, and the zipper is stubborn. It’s been incredibly good for a freebie bag, though! It lasted about ten years.

I’ve lusted after a nice standing or lap frame for years—one of the good, sturdy ones, with attachments for a lamp and a magnifier and chart holder and a place to put your fibers and such. Some even come with cup holders! The nice ones are très expensive, though. I don’t want to bother with the flimsy ones, as I think they’d be more frustrating than helpful.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted needleworker.
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