Chat log

Random Guy: Hi there. How are you?
Cyn: Fine. Just working on a project. You?
RG: Nice smile.
Cyn: Thank you.
RG: What project?
Cyn: Several, really. Setting up a new website, looking for a new theme for another blog, and academics with my daughter, who I homeschool.
RG: (standard age/sex/location thing out of the blue)
RG: cool… so u r in the IT biz too
Cyn: No, I’m a homemaker.
RG: U R looking for IT pos.?
RG: u seem smart from teh way u look…
Cyn: Nope. Happy at home with my girl.
Cyn: Thank you. Also writing the script for the next podcast, will record it tonight.
RG: What do you do when you aren’t at work?
Cyn: This is for fun 🙂
RG: so what do u do beside work?

::sigh. How many other ways could I express that I AM doing what I do “besides work?” I mean, I didn’t mention the loads of laundry going, or that I’d just cleaned the kitchen. Homeschooling isn’t “work” to me.

Silly man.

Current Mood: 🙂cheerful
Current Music: hold music
Current Location: kitchen table
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4303

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