Ok—my blog is now on LJ, again, as enemyofentropy. Fibrant Living can be read at fibrantliving.
Juliann pointed out that there wasn’t a link to register to comment on the FL blog. D’oh! No wonder I was so lonely over there! It’s there now, at the TOP of the middle column, in a larger font size than the other links, even. Because I do very much want comments. Please don’t make me comment-whore. Really.
I’m doing the script for podcast 2 now.
I managed to modify a WP theme to make it very much “mine” for the FL blog. I’m proud of it. The header is a detail from one of shadowkatt‘s recent photographs. I did the flower arrangement she photographed, with roses and lilies. I haven’t managed to get the background image to load yet, and I’m not happy with what the Sociable plugin was doing so I deactivated it, but those are the last two little things that are really, really bugging me, I think.
I’ve tweaked the main blog theme some, but it isn’t well and truly MINE the way the other one is. It could be mistaken for a dozen other sites. So it’s going to get more tweaking, after I do more pressing things.