A Day in the Van

And it was, truly. Which is why this looks much the same as it did last night.

Katie and I drove all over metro Atlanta, testing out the new wheels in the process. A medical appointment, a trip to the bank, the post office, our mail drop, a craft store, a school supply place, a couple of book stores, Phoenix & Dragon, and something I know that I’m forgetting.

You wouldn’t believe how much homeschooling gets done on the road. Had the dealer had a van in stock with a DVD player installed, I could easily have justified it for purely educational purposes. As it is, I’m glad my laptop has a DVD player, as we find various BBC and PBS series pretty good supplementary materials at times.

No AV materials today, though—just books, paper, calculator, and a lot of discussion. Science, algebra, world history, critical thinking, English, vocabulary, current events…

Oh! We got our Latin texts! Katie and I have decided to start studying Latin together this summer. I’ve always regretted not having had a chance to study it, and it can only help her. So here we go!

The girl got some knitting done in the car while we talked, too. As she gets more confidence in driving, I look forward to getting some stitching done while she drives. On the other hand, she’d get fewer lessons done. Hmmm.

I need to study to try to keep a little bit ahead of her. We’re going to have another blog where she, Sam, and I post about our learning adventures. It isn’t quite up yet, unfortunately.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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3 thoughts on “A Day in the Van

  1. It’s quite a pleasant change to see/read a parent who has enough confidence in her child to look forward to that child driving.

  2. Thank you, dear! My parents put me to work as a chauffeur right away, so I suppose I’ve inherited their attitude. And, of course, since I have the most marvelous girl in the universe, I have reason to be confident!

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