Early Saturday Evening

After two trips with ToD and one with copperscale‘s husband and son in their van, we’ve got almost all of the things marked out packed and gone to the castle. A few boxes are here, because I packed them after the last trip over.

Books in living room
Books in master bedroom
Books in office
Books in guest room
Stuff in entertainment center
Stuff in end tables
DVDs/VHS Tapes
Craft stuff
Katie’s room
Our room
Master bath cabinets/linen closet
Hall bath cabinets/linen closet
Office supplies
Computer equipment
Artwork (big stuff is gone, little stuff I’m putting in a box)
Hall closet contents
Coat closet contents
Storage room contents (mostly gone – I think there are a few plant pots there now)
Laundry room
Gaming table
Three small bookcases
Craft containers

We’ve got a few more pieces of furniture that will fit in ToD, but I doubt we’re really going to bother trying to move them. It should be less expensive to have the movers take care of them than for us to do it with all the trips we’d have to make there and back.

We also plan to move the electronics ourselves, in the car. The computers will go last, but the television, stereo, PS2k and the like should go over tomorrow. Oh! And the musical instruments. Definitely car stuff.

We will have no net connections at the Castle on Tuesday (other than dial-up—UGH!). Because the DSL installation date is NOT happy, we’re considering a cable modem. Comcast has us on the schedule for Wednesday morning unless we cancel.

I’ve got all the dishes and laundry clean so that it’s easy to pack that stuff. We haven’t really been buying groceries as usual, so as to have less to pack. Since the Castle is already clean, I can leave cleaning supplies here so that I can use them on Wednesday.

shadowkatt‘s room is definitely The Big Bad. There’s so much crammed in there that it is going to take forever to get it all packed. Unfortunately, her relatives insist on giving her lots of breakable tchotchkes. She feels guilty about getting rid of them, but they are serious dust catchers (health issue) and every little piece must be wrapped very carefully to avoid breakage. She’s taken a lot of them to her room in my parents’ house, but there are a lot left, too. Of course, there’s also a lot of Daddy memorabilia, and it’s especially important that those things survive intact.

Damn. I’ve just realized that Katie has an appointment Tuesday morning for fillings. It’s been scheduled for a while and will be a major nuisance to cancel. And I CANNOT miss my classes again Tuesday afternoon. But I need to be at the Castle when the furniture is unloaded. Sam is taking the day off, but—ACK!

Okay—realistically, I can designate furniture locations ahead of time, right? The only things that are really difficult to move around ourselves are beds and the guest room furniture. I know where the sofas will go. I know where our bed goes. Our sitting room furniture is all easily moved. All the bookcases are going to have to land in the garage ’til I figure out where to put them. Katie’s furniture placement will be fairly temporary no matter what because we’ve put off building the loft bed for a few weeks.

Our washer and dryer are going to curiousmay9‘s cottage. If whoever rents the place doesn’t want to buy them, we’ll see if someone else needs to use them in exchange for storing them or something.

We really need to find out what copperscale‘s husband’s favorite meal is and have them over to dinner. He and their son have been incredibly helpful to us in this move and the last.

curiousmay9 crashed today due to total exhaustion, so the wood flooring still isn’t down in her bedroom or the upstairs office/den. Poor Runbunny backed over a neighboring house’s stone mailbox Thursday when leaving the Castle. She, curiousmay9, sambear and shadowkatt (with help from neighbor D and his son) put it to rights today.

My sincere hope is to finish packing tonight or by noon tomorrow at the latest, then get what we can to the Castle tomorrow and finish the painting. I’ll need to fill in nail holes and clean here—the filling can be done before the movers come. I can go ahead and clean bathrooms, fridge, oven, and the like pre-move, too. The floors, of course, will have to be done after the movers are gone.

Current Mood: 🙂satisfied
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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