Important read: The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science
I’m finding myself pondering this quote:
The question for the child is not “Do I want to be good?” but “Whom do I want to be like?”
– Bruno Bettelheim
What do you think of it? Is it valid? I don’t think littluns really have a concept of “good” as such. They do usually want to emulate the older people in their lives and, in most cases, please them.
And yes, sambear, I’m very quote-y lately.
It is very much easier to be intolerant, angry, jealous, and resentful than it is to be generous, patient, kind, and considerate. Without question, it takes far more thought, and far more work, to treat others from the standpoint of these virtues than from that of those vices, which is why the latter are so prevalent.
–A.C. Grayling, The Guardian, 9 March, 2002