It is indicative of my (lack of) brain function today that I nearly typed “dogs” there in the subject line. I had a migraine this morning, pushed it back, and am fighting it again now.
The kids are off swimming, as the complex pool opened today. I’m glad they’re enjoying it, and that they’re old enough to go without me.
Sam took the car this morning—as much to keep me from driving as anything else, I think.
Today’s Kevin & Kell is great:
Commercial space flight takes big step up
Oh – if space flight interests you at all, and you haven’t yet read Kings of the High Frontier by Victor Koman, do it!
I’m not certain the available carpet remnants are going to seamlessly cover our bedroom. Does anybody have some laying about?
Happy: I have two handsome men emailing me 🙂 New ones, I mean.