Man Tamed Cats?

Quote from article Cat came in 9,500 years ago: Man tamed the cat around 9,500 years ago, more than 5,000 years earlier than previously thought, according to a find of an ancient feline skeleton in Cyprus. Tamed? “You keep using…


This could be my motto: Always be ready to speak your mind and a base man will avoid you. –William Blake And what the hell does this mean to you? I’ve never been big on Dickinson: Anger as soon as…

Pretty Pretty!

I’m feeling acquisitive. Dammit, Sam, you should NOT have gotten me hooked on eBay! My birthstone is topaz. I’ve NEVER liked it. Come on, it’s ORANGE! I do not like any shade of orange, period. No, it isn’t gold—it’s orange.…

Castle Caritas

Sam started calling the new house the Castle because of the stone on the outside and inside. I call it Castle Caritas. Castle resonates as a strong, safe place, a retreat from the nasties Out There. Caritas refers to a…

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