Scary People

You know how people so frequently assume that ALL homeschoolers are doing so for religious reasons? Here’s one of the reasons why:

The Unofficial “Training Our Daughters to Be Keepers at Home” Website

Thank you for taking the time to visit my web site. My name is Ginny Ingram, and together with my husband Phil, I homeschool our two daughters, ages 13 and 17, in Upstate New York. Our desire, by God’s grace, is to bring up our girls to love and serve God, to walk in the Spirit, and to be Godly women, well-equipped to be wives and mothers. As we have sought the Lord in this regard, He led us to a curriculum by Ann Ward called Training Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home. We’re so excited about it that we wanted to share the information with you! As you read through these pages, you will learn more about this tremendous curriculum.

Training Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home is a 7-year program for girls ages 11 – 18 (grades 6 – 12), written by Mrs. Ann Ward, which aims to train young women in homemaking skills, enabling them to serve God as “keepers at home” (Titus 2:5), whether single or married. Over the seven years, the following topics are covered:


Y’all know that I’m all about kids learning life skills. I am NOT about teaching girls that their only function is to keep house and take care of other people.

I’ve seen this curriculum advertised in a catalog before, but this is the most detailed information I’ve run across about it.

(Thank you crimsonblossom)

I discussed the “Keepers at Home” site here and on two homeschooling lists. I’ve just learned that the owner of the site had to take down her email link and shut down her guest book due to the nasty messages she received. I cannot help but feel responsible—I certainly didn’t intend to cause her harm, but I did send people to her site who would be very unlikely to have found it, otherwise.

There’s no way for me to “take it back” or undo the harm done, but I’ve volunteered any help that I can give her. I’m very disappointed that people would harass her.

Current Mood: 😯distressed
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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