A quote for my love:
If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.
–Ludwig Wittgenstein
I just got the messages in my “In” folder down to ONLY 472 (from several thousand). I use extensive filters, so everything from any mailing list goes to its own folder. The rest are actual messages from individuals. If you’ve emailed me and haven’t gotten an answer, it’s probably because I wanted to give you a “real reply” when I had time. Aggghhhh!
Anyway, I woke around 6 am this morning. That is a VERY nice change from my body’s schedule recently. I got to see Sam before he left. I’ve got the kitchen mostly cleaned up and the laundry going, the plants watered and a little picking up done. I even COOKED breakfast for myself. And ate it! (I’ve had even less appetite than usual since this past weekend.)
It’s amazing how productive procrastination can be.