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The Geek Who Understands You
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grouchyoldcrip is the syndicated feed for a delightfully crusty Atlanta blogger. Y’all should go add him. Really. No, I’m not JUST saying it because I want the syndication cost to go down…
Happy Birthday to jennywrenn and silver_hawke!
Calling some kind of HTML/Javascript wiz… I wanna use collapsing menus on the composition website I’m redoing for school. And I want them placed where I want them, dammit, inside a table. Unfortunately, the free builder thingies I’ve found aren’t…
I want my PDA back. Working, this time. Did I mention that we had to send it back yet again last week? It was experiencing “fatal errors” after about 5 minutes of use, no matter what app I was using.…
This is for shadowkatt.
I realize that this is unlikely to be popular with anyone but me, but I want a “no anime” filter for my Elfwood searches. I find that stuff annoying at best, and could live without ever seeing anything anime-ish again.
Okay, I’ll stop doing separate posts of randomness. For a few minutes, maybe. I’ll do one post of bits of randomness. What does “fisk” mean, pretty please? The contexts in which I’ve seen it used make me think it involves…
Morford by way of Soapboxgirls: To Erin C: Very simple. To avoid karmic meltdown and utter disgusted nausea and suicidal tendencies and the bashing of one’s skull into the brick wall of cultural ignorance six hours a day: you focus…
Homosexual couple married in Canada angered by U.S. refusal to admit them as a family
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