Morford Again

Morford by way of Soapboxgirls:

To Erin C: Very simple. To avoid karmic meltdown and utter disgusted nausea and suicidal tendencies and the bashing of one’s skull into the brick wall of cultural ignorance six hours a day: you focus on you. You do everything in your power on a day-to-day basis to crank your divinity and suck the big toe of your own personal Jesus and discover that the god you seek is actually you, is your true Self, and you beam that healthy sexy wet individual robustness out to the world every goddamn day, minimize the refined sugar and the garbage and the stomping of the planet and maximize the orgasmic sighs and the organic highs and the holistic everything. What, you want me to tell you to email your Senator? As if. Kiss with everything you’ve got, love deep, fuck with full intent, feel the divine’s hot breath on your skin at every possible moment, buy the best wine you can afford, read your ass off, hunker down, scream your joy. There.

I want a Soapboxgirls LJ feed. I’ve asked on syn_quest if there’s already one.

I want a Morford feed, too, but since I get his stuff emailed to me I can live without one.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted needleworker.
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