Happy Birthday to bouncepogo and jenngbob! shadowkatt is actually off celebrating a GS troop member’s birthday in addition to the usual meeting today, so Happy Birthday to Dani, too!
The Geek Who Understands You
Happy Birthday to bouncepogo and jenngbob! shadowkatt is actually off celebrating a GS troop member’s birthday in addition to the usual meeting today, so Happy Birthday to Dani, too!
Current Mood: 😉quixotic
Happy Birthday waterfall_sh!
Have you tried roleplaying your own life?
Dear Stupid Judge Owned by the Telemarketing Scum: Yes, there’s a constitutional right to free speech. There is no constitutional right to make phone calls. There is no constitutional right to be heard. If the first amendment protects telemarketers, aren’t…
(Expanded from a comment I left in someone else’s journal) Any time there’s intercourse between two adults of the opposite sex and of the same species, there’s a chance of pregnancy. Contraceptives fail. Even tubal ligations and vasectomies have been…
Morford again: Up Your Sock Consciousness / When your lover is a also a diabolical, unrepentant footwear thief. A cautionary tale Current Mood: 😉giggly
Because I don’t think this was clear in a post last night, and I don’t want to be accidentally offensive… BPD=borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder. I don’t use an abbreviation for bipolar disorder most of the time. Yes, it’s…
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Current Mood: 🙁worried
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