Still Sick. Not Happy.

Yes, I’m still sick. Dangit. sambear made a doctor’s appointment for me this afternoon. The new doctor was chosen randomly for their proximity to the house. I just hope he or she won’t be one of those assholes who think all illnesses are a result of being fat. Yes, I have had a doctor tell me that I needed to lose weight because I had an ear infection. Of course, skinny people get ear infections too, but this didn’t matter to him. I never went back to that practice, and he didn’t enjoy the visit, either (I don’t think he’d ever had a fat person bite back verbally before). I just hate seeing new physicians because of past experiences like that.

After getting R up twice and G up three times this morning (they kept going back to bed), I gave up, woke the parent who was able to yell and went back to bed for a couple of hours. There was no miracle. I’m pouting.

But if I can find that onion, I think I’ll try damiana_swan‘s suggestion. I don’t like onions, but I’m willing to try whatever will help now. We may need to get more honey, though—we’re going through it quickly at the moment.

And Shelley seems to be better for the bath, despite the fact that she hated it. She had some sores on her skin where she keeps biting herself obsessively and they won’t heal due to the FIV, but they’re already looking much better. So we may just have to go back to bathing her regularly. Could I get some chain mail, please?

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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