I used to get so annoyed when my mother would say, “Twenty years from now, nobody will know the difference.” She was wrong in a sense—I certainly still know the difference, about so very many things. On the other hand,…
The Geek Who Understands You
I used to get so annoyed when my mother would say, “Twenty years from now, nobody will know the difference.” She was wrong in a sense—I certainly still know the difference, about so very many things. On the other hand,…
Georgia Senate threatens dismantling of USA They really did, by a vote of 43-1. On April 1, but it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. The resolution goes on to endorse the theory that states have the right to abridge constitutional…
Suite 606 by J.D. Robb My review rating: 1 of 5 starsI only read the story by J.D. Robb. I glanced at the other three, but they’re primarily romance stories, which do NOT interest me. The whole point of these…
Yes, yes—I promise this is the last post for now. Probably for the weekend, but at least for a few hours! I continue to hope to find some kind of work that I can do from home despite my uncooperative…
Um, I’m wanting something to read, and the libraries are being very slow about fulfilling my hold requests, so I’m looking for old stuff that’s good and probably on the library shelf just waiting to be loved. I think I…
In much lighter news, The Girl is in the Pacific Northwest! For three weeks! She’s scouting colleges and seeing friends and so on. She’s already in geo-love after just a few days, saying she’d like to live there. Her hosts…
Uncle James was buried yesterday. He hung on for weeks, and they’d finally moved him to home hospice care just a few days before he passed. At least he wasn’t in pain at the end, and the family did get…
On with the quotations obsession project. I swear, it’ll be useful for something other than keeping me busy. Someday! Does anybody know PHP/MySQL well enough to help me do that? Anyway, one reason that I keep going is little successes…
I’m still playing with my quotations database. I have a perfectly lovely item that I’d like to include, but I can’t find any information at all about the author, “Vascavus.” I’ve Googled and searched otherwise. The only place I find…
I had a pain doctor appointment last week but wasn’t up to going. So Sam rescheduled it for me, and I headed across town today. Apparently, this was the day for “fitting in” everybody who has canceled an appointment in…
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