I have no brain today. I hope my personal editor is working enough to have kept this from being too embarrassing, though.
1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet redcrowstudio? Through Sam, in a D&D group.
2.~What would you do if you had never met filkferengi? Be poorer for the loss.
3.~What do you honestly think of starrchilde? I think she’ll always come across as younger than she is, because she’s so cute.
4.~Would or did mique_mique and
king_james go out? I’m sure they haven’t. Can’t answer about would, but I doubt it.
5.~Have you ever liked tbrents? Yep.
6.~If abbyowner died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? Eeep! Um, that I think she’s the best woman my chosen brother has ever loved.
7.~Would faebouche and
celticdragonfly make a good couple? I think they’d get along well together. I’m not sure about the gender match, though.
8.~Describe selenite in 3 words: Intelligent, funny, and cuddly (which add up to sexy).
9.~Do you think archway is hot? Yep.
10.~Would abbyowner and
sambear make a lovely couple? I can’t really see them together.
11.~What do you think of when you see king_james? I can’t help remembering a particular Mardi Gras party.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about celticdragonfly: Now that’s just mean.
13.~Do you know any of reginod‘s family members? Nope.
14.~What’s faebouche‘s favorite color? I don’t know.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is curiousmay9? 10
16.~What would you do if mrpsyklops just professed their undying love for you? Fall down shocked!
17.~What language does mique_mique speak? English, but I think she may known Spanish and/or French.
18.~Who is abovenyquist going out with? Not mine to tell!
19.~Is tymesav a boy or a girl? A very sexy boy.
20.~Would bonesteelmom and
mrpsyklops make a good couple? No. Their temperaments aren’t suited.
21.~Who do you think mayremi would be great with from this list? There are no others in this list who are in the appropriate age range for her.
22.~When was the last time you talked to archway? In person? Several years ago.
23.~What is tbrents‘s favorite band? Maybe Emerald Rose?
24.~Does faebouche have any siblings? Don’t remember any, but she might.
25.~Would you ever date reginod? I don’t know him well enough. He’s cute, though.
26.~Would you ever date selenite? Yep.
27.~Is mayremi single? Yep.
28.~What is faebouche‘s last name? It would be rude for me to post that!
29.~What is bonesteelmom‘s middle name? I don’t know.
30~What is starrchilde‘s fantasy? A live-in housekeeper/nanny?
31.~Where does tymesav live? Savannah
32.~Would you make out with redcrowstudio? He’s damned attractive, but I don’t think he’s poly, so I don’t think we’ll ever find out.
33.~Are filkferengi and
reginod best friends? I don’t think they’ve met.
34.~Does selenite like
faebouche? I don’t think they’ve met, either.
35.~How did you meet bonesteelmom? Through a homeschooling list.
36.~Is archway older than you? Um, I don’t think so. Probably younger.
37.~Is sambear the sexiest person alive? Yes!