Simplifying: The Online Part

sambear has pointed out that I go through cycles, and periodically “draw in.” This is one of those periods.

I looked at how much time I spend on various things, and that time isn’t in line with my priorities.

So, I’ve given myself a “net budget,” and am limiting myself to 2-3 sessions a day that are not related to a specific task. Those are the only times I’ll have my email client open, or glance at LJ. I may or may not open a chat client—I don’t, usually, except to speak to someone specific.

If you need me to reach me with any urgency, call me on the phone!

Like I said in my last post, I’m leaving most of the volunteer work I do because I don’t have time to do it properly.

I just removed more than 100 entries from my LJ reading list—communities, RSS feeds, and, yes, some people.

Yes, I know all about filters. They don’t work as well for me as for some people.

Please remember that if I removed you, it is no reflection on your worth, my estimation of you, or the fact that I like you. It is simply the fact that I’m reducing the time I spend online.

I’ve never been one to seek LJ fame or to care a great deal about the numbers on my user info page. I don’t pay a great deal of attention to who drops and adds me, so if you do drop me, don’t worry that I’ll get offended.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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