Sleepy Sunday

It has been a lovely weekend, though a bit quieter than planned.

The dishwasher, washer, and dryer are all running. curiousmay9 and all the four-legged residents are napping. shadowkatt is getting a net fix, I think. sambear is at work. All I hear is the hum of the fan sambear left on, and that I was just too lazy to turn off. I’m trying to figure out how to “refresh” the library in iTunes, or I’d have music playing right now.

Friday was great! The people, the conversation, the music, the food—all as lovely as we could have ever wished. We even got to meet the highly elusive spouse of filkferengi, who is indeed a handsome man and a pretty neat guy. I’ll stop calling him mythical now.

We got to hang out a bit with mrpsyklops on Saturday and Sunday, though not enough. And we missed the rest of his family. Happily, he (and they, I hope) will be here for the filk we’re hosting in September.

ga_sunshine came over with Cherub on Saturday afternoon. I must say that Sunshine is more gorgeous every time I see her. I was still quite exhausted from Friday, so sambear and I stayed home as backup for shadowkatt, who was on baby duty.

ga_sunshine tells me that we missed quite the party at albumlady‘s house! I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet many of my LJ friends in person. Another time, I promise!

Cherub is deadly cute. She came into the house and immediately had everyone wrapped around her little finger! Sparks is showing promise as a very kid-tolerant cat, which is lovely. Shelley stayed hidden, for the most part. Karli approves of toddlers because they tend to leave bits of anything they eat in their wake. And Karli was just fine with Cherub climbing all over her 🙂

ga_sunshine snuggles were the highlight of the weekend. She’s just heavenly. So cuddly! But we really do need a king-sized bed.

As soon as I get my music straightened out, I think I’m going to try to go through some things that got shoved into our bedroom closet. I need to find the cable and power supply for the scanner, and I think they must be in there.

I might even get some filing done. That would go better if I could watch TV, though, and we don’t have a DVD player or VCR in our room. I don’t generally watch broadcast TV, and getting the file cart up the one step to our sitting room is a bit iffy. Of course, if I can manage to get it that far, I can probably get it into the living room. Hmmmm…

Current Mood: 😐okay
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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