An Actual Personal Post!

Perusing a catalog that came in the mail yesterday, I see that snowmen are “the thing” for this Christmas. I’m glad I’m not into having “the thing.” It does, however, remind me that if I’m going to make any new Yule decorations, I need to get going on them.

Who decided that putting words on the asses of pre-teen girls was a good idea? For several years now, I’ve seen girls at various dance studios wearing (very short) shorts declaring that they are cheerleaders or dancers. Now I’m seeing them appear everywhere, with “angel” or other words on them. Why?

We didn’t make it to Katie’s trial ballet class at a new studio OR to her Girl Scout meeting last night. Our car started overheating on the way. Fortunately, we weren’t far from home. We smelled antifreeze in a big way, and it looks as if a hose is busted. I hope it isn’t an expensive fix—shouldn’t be, if that’s all there is to it. Must remember to ask curiousmay9 or ridinrabbit to take a look, though.

The girl was disappointed, but a good sport.

We spent our Friday afternoon with curiousmay9. She, sambear and shadowkatt wandered around Little 5 Points with Karli while I sat in air-conditioned comfort at Charis. I wanted to be with them, but hadn’t really slept much Thursday night.

I read most of a new novella by Laruell Hamilton while there. It was part of an anthology, and I didn’t feel any urge to buy an $8 book to get a little dark fantasy erotica fix. I do believe the woman has completely given up any pretense of plot. I look forward to reading the last 10 pages or so at some other bookstore. Her work has to be the most widely-read group sex stuff published at the moment.

Karli had lots of fun, once she got over thinking that we were taking her to a new home. Poor puppy!

She did meet a 6-month old baby while sitting at my & curiousmay9‘s feet at Charis. A couple had settled down near us to feed their daughter, but she was too fascinated by the dog to eat. They put her down on the floor to explore Karli’s fur and coo happily. Karli was absolutely perfect, staying down so as not to loom over the littlun and scare her, being incredibly patient.

Because of the atmosphere at Charis, the fact that curiousmay9 and I were sitting together comfortably on a smallish loveseat, and our mention of our hopes to have babies in the house before long, the other couple obviously assumed that we were lesbian partners. My mention of my partner being out exploring Junkman’s Daughter with shadowkatt caused confusion.

We’re gaming with mique_mique this afternoon. Sam has done marvelous things getting our suite ready to host her. I’m resting, as he ordered.

While playing around on OKCupid, I retook their basic test. How the heck did I go from The Battleaxe to The Maid of Honor? Maybe I was just in a better mood this time after getting to chat with ga_sunshine and dpaul007.

Current Mood: 🙂happy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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