And She’s Off!

Late, but shadowkatt and sambear are on the way to Girl Scout camp. I know she’ll have a marvelous time, but I do always miss her.

I couldn’t find the cards I bought to give her while she’s gone. Grrr! Hopefully, they’ll turn up in time for me to snail mail them to her.

She will be able to receive emails (printed out, no attachments, web links, graphics, etc.) while she’s there. If you want to send some to her, contact me off-LJ and I’ll give you the address.

Of course, she can get snail mail, too. I should have the rest of the addressing info for that when Sam returns.

I’ve finished setting reworking curiousmay9‘s filing system—or, at least, the stuff she’s unpacked so far. There’ll be more to add later.

I’m trying to focus on school assignments. I should probably go into the bedroom instead of sitting here in the living room, since curiousmay9 is watching a movie (The Quiet American). I like the change of venue, though. As much as I enjoyed having the kids here all week, it’s nice to have the living room back.

sambear is incredible. He not only got all the kids home yesterday, but he also picked up some prescriptions, and he took the girl shopping for jeans (she found that she didn’t have enough for the two weeks of horseback riding). Then today he helped her finish preparations for the trip. He helped her design and print out some personal cards with her contact info to give to new friends. Then he set off to drive her the 70 miles to the camp and help her schlep her trunk and bag to her cabin, which will be a good long way away from the parking area. There’s always lots of paperwork to be done with the drop-off. He’s a marvelous Daddy.

Current Mood: 🙂mellow
Current Music:
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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