It’s Monday, Isn’t It?

Rheumatologist today, classes if I can get to them (I certainly hope I can!). I’m hoping to get pain meds that are a bit stronger for the worst part of the flares, as I’m still not able to function then. Yes, despite the opiates. I really hate this.

Otherwise, the girl needs an allergy shot. She has gotten a bit behind on them due to being so sick. The allergist did say that within 20 weeks, she should be seeing a reduction of symptoms thanks to the shots. Yay!

She’s still only good for about 15 minutes of effort, then she needs to rest or nap for an hour or more. This is SUCH a difference from the kid who does several hours of dance or martial arts without raising a sweat!

She obviously isn’t at Girl Scout camp. I managed to contact someone and find out that the camp does have openings in all the other sessions this summer. I’m going to talk to the district registrar today, and request that she be moved to the last session of the year.

We had our first Castle Caritas family meeting last night. Finally. (We’ve been meaning to do so since the first week of occupancy.) It was difficult, partially because many issues had built up. I think we accomplished a lot, though, and it’ll make life better all around. We’ve scheduled weekly meetings now.

I realized this morning that if we added some sort of fun thing to do together, the meetings may work better. I don’t like watching movies together due to the lack of real interaction. curiousmay9 is a social gamer, but she doesn’t get into RPGs like the rest of us do. A board game, jigsaw puzzle, or something of that sort may be better. Maybe I should actually ask the other three people in the family, you think?

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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