Birthday Boy & Nattering

Happy Birthday wordcandlemage!

We spent a lot of today driving around, so I haven’t been online and probably won’t get time to read your posts—sorry!

shadowkatt got her trial contact lenses and incredibly cool new glasses today. curiousmay9‘s truck (which she’d sweetly loaned to us) there, because we found that it was leaking brake fluid. We met curiousmay9 for dinner, and I went home with her for a visit while sambear went to finish helping M set up her new PC.

curiousmay9‘s newest feline, Wizard, is teething. Unfortunately, he’s having trouble learning that people are not chew toys. I absolutely shocked him by biting back twice. It certainly got his attention, and curiousmay9 is going to start doing the same thing since he’s been really hard-headed about biting humans.

Tomorrow is going to entail even more driving. I need to remember to take the muscle relaxants with me (for use only when Sam is driving).

Oh—now the Norton Antivirus 2004 CD has joined the assortment of Important Stuff in the hidden dimensional pocket. Growl!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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