Health Stuff, School, and Car

From the “this was a surprise to anybody?” department:
Kids in homes with heavy TV use may have reading trouble, study says

San is running Katie about for some testing/lab work today. She had to safeword on the lab work after one vial of blood because it was just too painful. I need to find something short and sweet about FM to give to any and all health practitioners to explain that EVERYTHING is more painful than it is for other people and that when she says something hurts, they need to take her seriously. Grrrr!

The kitten isn’t feeling good after all that stuff, so today’s bike-riding session may have to be rescheduled.

The car needs brakes, so we need to cut back on the running around ’til we can get that done.

Good news: All three of my professors are willing to give me an incomplete for my courses this semester. I’m working out the details for getting caught up with them now. That’s a big stress reliever.

I’m doing much better on the “take care of myself” stuff in some ways—getting a lot more sleep, eating more regularly without needing Sam’s intervention, staying away from the PC except when I must use it, taking my meds/supplements and working out how to get the care I need. There’s still more to be done, obviously. The moist heating pad is pretty much staying with me all the time. I do wish I could find one that would somehow fasten to my neck/shoulder area and stay hot longer. I’m still slogging through The Fibromyalgia Survival Book by Starlanyl. It’s not very well-written, to be honest, but it is the single most useful book I’ve found (along with her other tome, The Fibromyalgia Advocate) about Fibromyalgia/Chronic myofascial pain.

I’d like to get my hands on another book, Thyroid Power by Richard Shames. The local library system doesn’t have it and it’s too new for an interlibrary loan.

I learned that we can give Shelley Benadryl, so as soon as Sam is back we’ll try that.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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